Be the change

Many among us are not aware that the planet as we know it, is in grave danger. We act like aliens on our own planet. We have traded the wealth of nature for material wealth. Forests are now the furniture in our living room and animals are now our food, clothes and entertainment. We do not acknowledge the fact that we are responsible for global warming, and even if we do, we rarely carry out actions for mitigation of the effects.
This planet is our home, and not just our home, but to all those creatures who have lived here since life began 3 billion years ago. This air we breath, the water we drink and everything on this planet is the common heritage of all life. Human activities have threatened the survival of the biosphere and future generations to come. As we speak, many species of wildlife are getting extinct.
There is lot we can do to make a difference. Everything counts, the big things...the little things...... those that require plenty as well as those requiring very little investment of money, knowledge or time. Something is better than nothing. Let's do one thing every month for our one and only planet.....our only home......Let us change for better and lets inspire others to change towards a greener thinking and lifestyle.

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