LIFE Stall at Deccan rock 2009

Deccan rock 2009

Metal bands enthralled fans at Deccan rock musical fest with promoting awareness on global warming. Event was promoted by Livegig and Orka with CRE on Dec 5th afternoon and international heavy metal bands like Amon Amarth, Textures and Indian bands like Kryptos, Undying Inc, Inner sanctum, Bhyanak Maut and Demonic resurrection performed. The music was thunderous and the fans as well.

NGOs like LIFE, IYCN, Greenpeace and Reva displayed stalls. Life displayed various messages on the global warming effects and indoor plants. As we had younger crowd, we could send the messages of minimal usage of plastics and importance of planting. Also people were more interested learn more on global warming due to upcoming “Copenhagen climate conference” which is a hot and important for all of us.

Below is the detail of media coverage:

Thanks to Sowmya for providing stall for us.

Participants: Aditya, Swapna and Harsha.

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